For so long so many things about the race seemed so far away. I had months before anything fun was going to happen. And now, training camp is a week away and it came out of nowhere.
I am really excited and also pretty nervous for camp. To focus on the exciting part I went shopping for gear. My awesome friend Tim came with me, thank goodness because when I walk into a outdoor/camping store alone I look around, get overwhelmed, and walk out. We walked out with a backpack, tent, sleeping bag, and a few other odds and ends. When I came home I wanted to try out some of my new things. This basically turned into a game of me trying to blow up my sleeping pad while my adorable little nephew crawled all over it and me.
And then a few days went by and nerves started to set in. I have never been a big camper. It is something that in my head I think is awesome and I really like it. But the longest I’ve ever gone in a tent is probably one night.
So for the next week I will keep praying and turning to God to let him help me through the nerves. To give up all my anxiety to Him so I can go have a blast at training camp.