Oh G-baby how I miss you! It is always such a joy to get a picture or a video of you, you have grown so much since I left. It’s is crazy to me that you will be two years old when I get home. You, little boy, have had my heart since I met you. I held you for the first time when you were about two hours old. We were going through a tremendously hard season and you were pure joy and light in that darkness. I so miss playing with you, holding you (when you allow it 😉 ), and just getting to interact with you. Before I left, when I got to put you down for your nap or bedtime it was such a blessing to be able to rock you and pray over you. To thank God for you, to thank God that you have two wonderful parents that love Him and you. Even though I can’t hold you right now, I still pray for you everyday. I still thank God for you. I ask God that He would be the leader of your life the way He is the leader of your dad’s life, your mom’s life, and mine.

Welcome to the world baby boy! I have been praying for you since your mama told me she was pregnant in December. I so badly wish I could hold you when you were just a few hours old like I did with your brother. I anxiously anticipate the day I get to meet you in person. You are such a blessing Asher, another perfect bundle of joy for your dad and mom.

G & A,
I never imagined I would be the aunt who wasn’t physically there. In fact, I was quite sure it would be the opposite. That was my plan, but it wasn’t God’s plan for right now. I hope I can be an example for both of you of giving up your own plan and choosing the plan God has for you. God’s plan is always better. Most times we can’t even imagine the things He has planned out for us. I am so excited to see the plans He has for both of your lives. I pray that both of you seek after Him and follow the plan that God knew He had for you before you were even a thought yet to your parents. I love you both more than I can express.

Hugs and kisses,
Auntie Aly