So the plan was to go to Mozambique. We packed up, got on a bus, were stamped out of Malawi, and were waiting in line to get stamped into Mozambique. They said no. I don’t know if you have much experience with borders, but there is like a quarter mile-ish when you leave a country before you enter the next one. So technically in that quarter mile stretch you are off the grid. So there we were. Not officially in either country and we had been in line for a while so both borders were closed. We went from normal travel day to awesome adventure. Where would we stay? Who would let us in? Should we just pitch our tents right here? Both borders wanted the other one to let us in. Finally Malawi gave in.

We went back into Malawi and luckily found someone to take us in. Forty people in one house. We piled our bags high in corners and lined up our sleeping bags so we were shoulder to shoulder. We crammed in and lived there for a few days. Then we moved to another house, this one was gated with a yard so we could pitch our tents. The poor people who live here. Forty people show up and there is only one shower. Every kitchen counter is piled up with different teams food.
For a week we waited and prayed that Mozambique would change their minds and let us in. They eventually said no, never giving us a real reason.

So now we are serving in Malawi again this month and embracing all the opportunities God has for us here still.