My trip looked a lot different than I had first thought. But, I was still excited. I knew with everything in me God loved that my heart yearned for adventure. And, that this was a trip I would take with Him. June 2012 everything was set. I had a rough plan of where I would be going and who I would be staying with. I had budgeted for everything. I had bought a nice camera.
I was at home and my mom came in from her garden. She told me she thought she had had an allergic reaction to the fertilizer she was working with. She had trouble breathing, but had recovered within a few minutes. We all went on with our days.
Five days later mom was pretty sick. She asked me to take her to the walgreens clinic. In my pj's I took mama to walgreens. I was playing on my phone when the nurse asked me to come into the room. While mom was sitting there, looking totally normal, she was actively having a heart attack. In that instant my world changed. I remember praying and assuming everything would be ok. Ten days later she developed some severe complications and from that point on we lived day by day.
I had accepted Christ when I was in 3rd grade. This was the first time I had come to a trial in my life and I used Him as my lifeline. When I was made at Him, I let Him know. When I was scared, I let Him know. When I needed comfort, I let Him know. When it became clear He was calling mama home to Him, I held onto Him more tightly than I knew was possible.