We started it in Honduras. We also struggled to remember the name we gave it, so it turned into f-word f-word f-word. Female fellowship Fridays. We really just needed a time to get to know one another. We had been living together for about two weeks, but we really didn’t know each other. With no internet and nothing that seemed like it resembled home, they were the only people I had. I mean we had the boys too, but there is something really special about a community of females who are not in competition. A community of females that just love each other. So we dove in. It felt awkward at first, at least for me. Should I share that? Do we know each other well enough yet? Is this too much? What will they think of me if I say that?

Fast forward seven months and two teams later. Those ladies are amazing. I miss being on a team with them, but I am so grateful because I know my friendships with them will outlast the race. They are the ones that I can cry to, admit scary things to, and be totally real with. I am so thankful for them. Being with them and being intentional has helped me to be real in all my teams since. Because my first teammates loved me so well, I knew others could and I didn’t have to be scared to be me.