
E for extraordinary.

A for adorable.

N for nymph.

G for gem.

L for lovely.

Y for youthful.

          To be extraordinary is to be unique, one of a kind, hard to find, but also just plan living a truthful honest life with yourself and also with the Lord. To be adorable is exactly what it means like when you see a puppy or kitten and want to squeeze it so tight thinking you cannot get enough of it. To be nymph is to just simply be a beautiful young lady, but in all understanding everyone can be described as nymph. To be a gem is to be rare like a ruby or diamond or sapphire, it is special but very rare to hold and see so close up. To be lovely is to simply be admired and thought of as sweet and charming. And to be youthful is to be energetic and wild but full of childish, sweet, innocent thoughts.

          This is what Eangly was to me, all of this bundled up into one package, delivered to me the very first night we reached Kampong Thom, Thailand. I will never forget how she immediately clung to me like I was her second life line and I felt that too. I prayed to God that I would have just one child or person to have because as an introvert I like to have a small circle that means a lot to me and is close to me in ways others aren’t. He gave me Eangly and it was such a sweet gift to receive in my first month of mission work, it made the transition so much easier.

          Eangly touched my heart in a magical way. She was innocent and sweet and held so much grace about her. I could look at her and would instantly light up because that was just what her presence did to people. She loved giving lots of kisses and would climb all over me and asked for piggy back rides and I did not mind one bit. By the end of the trip I found myself so easily calling her ‘my girl’ because I felt as though she was. She was and will always be a part of me and she was put In my life for so many reasons and am so thankful God did that for me. He did not have to answer my prayers by bringing her into my life, but He did anyway. I love Eangly so much and it hurt leaving her in Cambodia and having to say a hard goodbye, but I know without a doubt I will never forget and she will never forget me. She was a blessing that I needed in that season and did not even know it until I was holding her in my arms our last night there and holding back many tears so she wouldn’t see the pain I was feeling about leaving her. But I now know that she will always hold a special part in my heart and it will always be reserved for her and what she showed me and how easily she loved and accepted me and everything around her. She truly is Eangly, one of a kind.