A couple weeks ago my team and I ministered at a catholic school that teaches first through twelfth grade. Despite it being a Catholic school we did not pray before class or talk about Jesus throughout our time there with some of the children. Each day looked the same with some variations as the grades descended and got younger. We did a ton of activities that taught them some English but also got them up and moving. We started with introductions by stating our name along with what we liked and did not like. After that we transitioned into a couple dancing songs like cupid shuffle and cha cha slide and church clap. They had so much fun dancing and getting their energy out with goofy songs. We then played a game called “where the wind blows” and you play by having everyone in a big circle with someone standing in the middle. The person in the middle has to say something true about themselves whether that is that they have a brother, they have a dog, they like the color yellow, etc. If the people in the circle agree or it applies to them they have to run to a different spot in the circle. That was a very fun game for them because they were wild and running all over and came up with funny truths about themselves. Anyway, after that we broke up into small groups and had conversations where they could ask the leader any question they wanted to. The questions varied from where do you come from to do you have a boyfriend and that was funny for us leaders because we always answered honestly and they would just laugh and laugh.

          But throughout those couples days at the school I was very confused and at a loss as to why we were there if we were not sharing the word of God or at least praying before class. At the end of each day I felt we did not complete what we went there to do. After thinking about it for a couple hours I realized that the Lord was teaching me that just by showing up and having spontaneous, broken conversations with these students, we were pouring into them and planting seeds. The concept of planting seeds and not seeing it grow and prosper has been something that I have had to wrap my mind around for the past couple months. Short term mission trips are definitely harder than I thought when coming into this, but I know now that just going and planting seeds is enough for God to do something in that persons life. If I went my whole life with just planting seeds for God to then grow it into faith and so much more I would definitely be satisfied and glad the Lord picked me for such a job.