This my team! Enjoy!



Kat is a very special woman who constantly goes out of her way to make me feel like I belong. She has a very good eye for photography and has captured such precious moments throughout our days so far. Kat loves yoga and does it almost every morning right next to me while I sleep (not creepy, I promise). She radiates happiness and joy and I just love being around her.


Kate is one of the funniest people I know and loves talking about anything and everything and I love it. She radiates confidence in basically everything she does and she is very sarcastic which is the cherry on top. She loves to tease people but in a manner of acting like a sister. She knows how to have fun and just be herself which I admire so much.


Steph is from California just like me, and she just understands me. She was blessed with the ability to teach children, and just seems to know exactly what they need and knows how to execute it. She is very knowledgeable about life and has such an encouraging spirit. She knows when to have fun and when to be serious and is very competitive when it comes to fútbol with the children.


Liz is a true sweet heart, she is so caring and one of the nicest people I know. She also has a gift with children and uses it to the best of her ability. She is sassy to me when I give her sass and I love it. She calls me out when it is necessary and it it very needed so I appreciate it. Liz just has something about her that makes you want to know her and be friends with her. She is definitely the mom of the group and has the most soothing voice ever. She is just great!


Kaitlin has been through a lot and has so much wisdom to share. The way she talks about things or people she really cares about makes me realize how much love she has to give. She is very mature and I love talking to her about important life stuff or just experiences I have been through because I know she will understand and relate to me. She is just a great woman that is sincere and loves the Lord.


Oriolyne is our leader and she is full of wisdom and life experience. She went on the world race and did 11n11 which is where you go to 11 different countries in 11 months. She understands my language and knows how to help me in times of need. The relationship she has with the Lord just inspires me to further dive deeper into my relationship with Him. She has shown me so much of myself and how to take care of myself in such little time. She is truly a blessing to my life and the team.

All six of these girls have shown me different parts of myself and how to use that to better my relationship with the Lord. I am blessed to have such an understanding and truly amazing team to walk through these three months with. Each one of them brings something so unique to the team and they bring out the good in me. I am so excited to continue this journey with them and further my connection to God. So with that being said this is my team and I love them!

Below are just some pictures of my team!

-Alyse xo