If you have been following my story for a little while now, you will understand then the journey that the Lord has had me on with leadership. I have been through a rollercoaster of emotions of believing that I can, then getting attacked by the enemy and telling me that I can’t or that I have done a poor job shepherding and leading people well. Yet, through it all a constant has remained; “the Lord God is with you, you do not have to fear…” So true were these word that David spoke to his son Solomon as they are echoed in my head today.
Since my third month on my Race in Cambodia, God has been speaking to me and growing in me this desire to lead and minister people into deeper waters with Abba. On November 6, 2013 this is what I wrote in my journal “I think my favorite type of ministry is loving on the people on the squad and I have come to the realization that I would absolutely love to squad lead! It’s surprising really because I never thought that I would ever want that type of leadership, since I’ve always seen myself as a “wallflower leader” and not a true leader. Yet Papa has shown me so much in this short amount of time of how through my servant leadership style, it truly affects people and influences them. Who knows? I may squad lead on this Race or in the future…”
I am more than happy to say that the future is now! I am going to be squad leading in July and I am so very excited, nervous, honored, and blessed to be able to be in this place of challenge, growth, and discipleship. Papa knew from the beginning of where He was going to be taking me and where He desired for me to go, even if at times it scares me to think about. But, why should I be scared? While my flesh tells me that I am going to mess up time and time again, that I won’t have any influence, and that my voice will not be heard, my spirit is telling me the opposite. It tells me that I am strong, I will be valued by those around me, and that I will love people so very well.
Just this week there was a prophetic team from Bethel here at AIM and I got a chance to get prophesied over for twenty minutes. The very first thing that was said was this: “‘Nothing is impossible’, is what came to me when you walked into the room, that means you can walk into a situation and you can straight away see the hope and possibilities of God and you are able to release that really well and in a way that people feel really encouraged and drawn into that hope and that possibility.” This gave me such joy because this is my heart for people, that they may see that nothing is impossible with God! That their future is more possible, than impossible, that there is hope, life and joy in everything that the Lord is doing!
So many times we fall prey to the lie that we will always fall short, that nothing we do will be accepted or succeed. Yet here is the thing, when someone tells you “you are impossible” the awesome thing is that in the word impossible, it tells you that I’m-Possible! Cheesy I know, yet so true! This is what I hope and pray that I’ll be able to influence my future squad, that they have endless possibilities if they only choose to allow Abba to take control, to allow Him to establish their steps even when they try to plan their own. Ultimately their humanity is no longer their downfall, rather it’s their empowerment!
I do not have answers to the questions of which squad I will be with or where I will be going. But what I do know is that which ever squad I end up with I will be praying that we will go where the Lord is going, and know wholeheartedly that wherever the Lord is going there will be no impossibilities, but only endless possibilities! To help a generation see that anything is possible if we only believe! Will you continue to join me on this journey of possibilities that Abba has me on?
*A future blog will be coming as far as how you can partner with me on this next leg of the adventure Papa has me on! I look forward to what God has before me and my squad. If you do so desire to you can donate through the “Support Me!” link and, as always, prayer is needed throughout all of this!