As she sits by the window with a soft light breeze that comes across her face, she listens to the rain. The light drumming on the roof from every drop. She looks out the window and sips on her hot tea. Outside of the rain covered window with a slight covering of frost she notices something move. She looks out harder but can’t seem to figure out what it is.


Then suddenly it comes into view. Amongst the green fields and dirt road she sees a beautiful bird fly up into the gray sky. But then not only does she see one but hundreds of birds take flight. Each one different colored yet a unit. Then as they fly up into the sky she notices that they are painting a picture. A beautiful colored picture; stark contrast to the gray sky. She was amazed at the way they easily flew across the sky, drifting elegantly to and fro making new pictures everywhere they went. She thought to herself “you would have thought that I would have seen something like this before.” But to her recollection she had never seen anything as miraculous as this.


Then just as the rain let up and the sun came out the birds with all their colors formed a rainbow. The sun glittered off the feathers and then the birds started to just drift down like a leaf falling from a tree; just lazily falling to the ground. Just as suddenly as the birds appeared they disappeared. “Did I just dream that?” she asked herself. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man standing there with paint and paintbrushes and in his hand he held up a picture. Can you guess what was in the picture? It was the colorful birds!


She gasped because there was no way that this man was there and could have painted what she saw that quickly. She went to grab her shoes but as she turned away the man disappeared yet the painting remained on the ground. She went outside and picked it up and there on the painting there was a name signed. You would never guess the name on it, in fact she couldn’t either. The name written perfectly just as the rest of the painting was without flaw was the name Jesus.


Funny isn’t it to see how God is able to catch our eye? He is able to capture it perfectly every time. To give us a gift that he knows we will stand in awe of each and every time. I think that’s why we call him the creator, because he creates things that capture our attention so that we can see his love for us. He shouts it from the mountain tops and whispers it through the hushed tones of colors in the world. He doesn’t show his love to us the same way. Why? Simply because he created each of us uniquely.

The way he speaks to you may be different than the way he speaks to me which is more than okay. We don’t need to get caught up in comparison on how God speaks to us. We need to get caught up in the masterpiece he has created for each of us; hand painted, without fault, beautiful and perfect. He has given each of us a painting that is unique to each of our eyes. He loves you that much that he wants to not only have you look at it but to capture it with your very soul. The next time that you feel like he doesn’t love you, doesn’t care or just isn’t listening; he is you just need to stop be still and study each stroke of the masterpiece that he has made for you. Because you never know what might be hidden within it and what secrets he longs to tell you.