Today, and what I mean by  today is a few days ago….


 I feel like I had my first real  happy dance for the ministry  that we are doing this month.  The reason being is  because God has opened up  a door to a quaint little coffee  shop that recently was  added to the growing coffee  cafe’s in China about three  months ago. Once I stepped  inside this shop I felt like if I  were at home I would be  going there everyday. It’s  owners had studied in the  UK for several years and  came back and opened up  the coffee shop and  decorated it from their  memory of their stay there.


 What was totally awesome  is that the owners of the  place are Christians and  they too have a heart to  minister to people. So, through partnering with them we are having an English Corner for the Chinese students who would like to practice their English and hang out with us crazy American’s. The simple fact that the owners were willing to open up their doors to us and allow us to use their beautiful space (pictures will be posted) just shows me the love they want to share too throughout the community.


Personally I feel like that's a huge reason that we are here going around talking to students at the local universities in Harbin is so that while yes we can make a connection and share the gospel with them its so that we can also love on them too. In my experience when ministering to people is that when you love on them they are more eager to understand why. Why I love them the way I do and why I am able to.


In reply to these questions I say because I have perfect love inside of me. There usually is a typical quizzical facial expression to this reply, but then I say that since I have accepted the perfect love of the Heavenly Father that casts out all fears I am able to be His vessel and love on them because I have been first loved on by God.

You see for me words are all fine and dandy but what I have been learning when trying to communicate with people who do not speak my language is that actions work best. Guess it goes to say that “actions speak louder than words” and when I stop to think about this it holds such truth. For words can only go so far especially in a foreign land.


Here in China, I and the rest of my squad are constantly watched and therefore whatever actions we do reflects on us. Therefore, my actions can speak more volumes than my words, because people will see what I am doing and will understand that more than anything my words will ever say. I’m not saying that words are not important please hear me when I say this, words are vital but when words cannot communicate its in the actions you do that speak for you. Whether that be something simple like smiling or to giving someone some food.


As our ministry continues on I am excited to see how are actions and the environment that we create can welcome in new sons and daughters into the Kingdom of God. “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” (Romans 12:9-13)


“For you will certainly carry out God’s purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or like John”–C.S. Lewis