
Dear Family and Friends,

After my journey to three continents, and eleven countries I find myself hungry; hungry for something more. Yes I guess you could say that I have the “itch” to keep going to new places, but there is something much more burning inside of me. While my time overseas was life changing and I would never trade it for anything, I sit typing to you with a desire for more. More chances to see the Kingdom brought here on earth. More opportunities to clothe the naked, heal the sick, and feed the hungry. More time to pour into people the hope and love of Christ.  

Even though I use the word more, God asks for less. For less of ourselves and more of Him. Less time wasted on the patterns of this world, and more time offering our bodies as living sacrifices which are holy and pleasing to Him which is our spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:2). This is what I long for, more of Abbah and less of this world.  While traveling brings  enchantment and excitement I found that really what I was getting excited about was the opportunity to see God reveal Himself to me in the next person I met, the next beautiful landscape I saw, or through the next ministry opportunity.

     What I have found throughout this journey so far is that I have a resounding Abbah echo inside of me. Abbah, who is living inside of me, has echoed in my heart what has been there all along. Now I hear His calling upon my life to encourage, love, support, challenge, and disciple people. How is this any different though, than what God asks us to do everyday? For me, I feel led to do this on the mission field  by leading trips such as the World Race in the future; to disciple while doing missions. This really came about while I was team leading on the Race and it just kept growing and hasn’t stopped. I want, and I know, I can disciple others to help take their faith into deeper waters where all that they have left is their faith and their trust in God. This is why I want to be a future Squad Leader for a World Race squad. I want to build intimate relationships with the men and women whom God has called onto the trips to help them see the anointing that is on each and every one of their lives, and through God’s guidance be able to help them hear Abbah’s call on their life.

    To help me disciple and lead men and women I am going to be doing Center for Global Action (CGA). CGA is so much more than a schooling agent or an internship; this is where community is raw and real, where I will continue being pushed further, and challenged to walk into the deep 

cgamapsketch_sm.pngspiritual growth that I hope to be able to take others into one day. I believe and trust that God has something He longs and desires for me to encounter and learn here. At CGA I will be doing their Field Leadership track where I will grow in my ability to lead others through a Holy Spirit led transformational process. I will be diving deeper into my own spiritual journey, trained in leadership and management skills, and develop the competencies necessary to lead a trip like the World Race in the future. Half my time at Center for Global Action will be will be spent learning about and growing in Field Leadership. The other half, which corresponds to growing in leadership, will be interning in one of the departments at Adventures In Missions.

     It would be an honor and a blessing if you would join me on this continued journey. The best way that you can do that is first through prayer. I have seen first hand what the power of prayer can do to change attitudes, heal, and shift atmospheres in a room.

  • Here are some things you can start praying for right now:

    • Provision/Trust: in the Lord as I fundraise and as I leave home again.

    • Community-that those who I encounter now and at CGA would be a community where we spur one another on in love and brotherly teaching.

    • Rest-that I would continue to process what I have learned and take time for myself.

     Another way you can support me is financially. I need to fundraise $4,000 for my four months at CGA. I am hoping to be FULLY FUNDED by the time I head to Georgia. The fastest and easiest way is through online donations which you can do through my blog at “alysasharp.theworldrace.org” At the top of my blog click on “Support Me” where you will be directed to a new screen. From there go to “Choose Program” and click CGA (if you forget to do this step don’t worry it all goes to the same place!), then follow the rest of the prompts! You can donate a one time donation, or a monthly donation. If you have any questions please contact me ASAP I would love to get together and talk more about this journey!

  • Here is a small break down of how I can become fully funded by January (all of these are based on one time gifts):

    • If 25 people donate $160

    • If 40 people donate $100

    • If 80 people donate $50

    • If 160 people donate $25

I will call in a few days to see if you are interested in getting together to talk about this journey. I look forward to hearing from you. Also, if you haven’t already, I want to encourage you to start following my blog at “alysasharp.theworldrace.org” where I will be posting information about my next steps, my continued journey and what the Lord is teaching me! Thanks for all the support. You all are awesome and such a blessing to me!


                              Love and thanks,

                                 Alysa Sharp