He loves me…he loves me not…he loves me…he loves me not…he loves me…


Yep he loves me, he loves me so much that he has painted a beautiful landscape just for me.


He loves me so much that he has given me warm rays of sunshine to bask in.


He loves me and has given me millions of diamonds that shimmer in the night sky.


He loves me and will never leave me. He loves me and never will take that love away. He loves me and invites me to love him right back.


Here in Cambodia I have seen this and felt God’s love more than I have before. I think its because I have no excuses but to look around and see and feel his love. My question to myself though is why do I not do this at home in Colorado, where I have been blessed with the most beautiful mountains, sunrises, sunsets, colorful changes of the seasons, warmth, cold, and and amazing night sky?


I think the reason is that I don’t take the time enough to slow down and pay attention. God has given me so much to show me his love and yet here I am going about my day never really seeing. Its like that crush you have that says they like this or that in a person and yet they can’t see those things are right in front of them. It’s sad really that I would allow myself to miss out on the love of God and it took me to come to Cambodia to find it.


This love though is contagious because it’s audacious love!


Being able to experience this love here in a place that is so full of hope makes me shout for joy at the top of my lungs! Because audacious love is the best evidence I’ve found of the kind of love Jesus talked about; a love that never grows tired or is completely finished finding ways to express itself.


And that is what I have found here…


The Father’s love is everywhere and it is expressed in so many things and it never runs out. I have been invited every morning when I wake up to actually live a life of complete engagement, a life of whimsy, a life where love isn’t stagnant, rather it moves and does things that we cannot explain. It doesn’t come in an envelope. It’s ushered in by a sunrise, the sound of a bird, or the smell of food drifting lazily from the kitchen. It’s the invitation to actually live, to fully participate in this amazing life for one more day.


How many times have I turned down this invitation to bask in living a life of love?


God pays attention to our hearts and enjoys when people want to get close to him. He knows our sadness and the brokenness we want to hide from him, and he sends people to look for us. Or he sends us to places that will open the eyes of our hearts to his invitation.


When we accept life's invitation its contagious too, just like the audacious love of God is contagious. People will watch us and start seeing life as something more amazing than before. Jesus wants us to come, he’s sending people the invitation and he is inviting you too. His invitation is all around you just look around! He has one message for you and me and he leans forward and quietly whispers to each of us, “I love you, there is more room in my house so come.”


Yes my Cambodian crush is someone who I will never forget and one who will never forget me. He is the one who created me and whose love doesn’t change rather its audacious and I just can’t seem to get enough of it!