Where is your faith? Where is your trust?

You place these things in the world and yet you are not of the world.

You conjure and scheme the things of man and yet you are never satisfied

When will you be?

I’ll tell you, never! Never will you be satisfied till the one that does satisfy has been taken captive by your soul.

The one who knows you, knows your thoughts, knows when you sit and when you rise, knew you even before you were born.

Crazy to think right?

Is it crazy to think that the one who gave you life to live, died to save you?

Is it crazy to think that even when you turn away he keeps calling after you?

Yes it is crazy, because we are always left in the dust by people.

Yet he is not a person.

He was.

He is.

He always will be.

He is the beginning and the end.

The Alpha and the Omega.

Do you dare to listen?

To listen to the truths spoken about you rather than the lies yelled to you

To listen to the beat of his heart rather than the beat of the streets

Will you not receive it?

To receive love given rather than lust taken

To receive life offered rather than death for ransom

Do you even dare to believe?

To believe that you are made clean, white as snow, no blemish on you

To believe that you will live freely for eternity

To believe that you are co-heirs with Christ, adopted into the the sonship

Think about that for a moment….











And you know what?