Is this reality? Has the time finally arrived?

   I ask myself this as the days draw closer to when I leave home. Till I leave the comforts of the world I have known, leave the people I have grown close with and embark on an amazing adventure!

So let me answer some questions that I have been getting from people so you all can know:

  1. What are you going to miss most?

                I’m going to miss so much! For starters I’m going to miss my bed, shower, and an endless supply of food in the fridge. As well my family and the craziness that they bring into my life. My friends who keep my life from not being dull and boring; its always an adventure with them. The high schoolers at WNT (the high school youth group I help out with). The beautiful nature that I’ve been blessed with; the mountains, the sunsets/sunrises, the changing of the leaves, the flowers, the snow, the rain, the full moons, and the warmth from the sunshine.

      2.  What country are you most excited for?

                I honestly cannot say which one I’m most excited for. All of them hahaha. But if I really had to choose I’m probably most excited for China, Thailand, and Romania.

      3.  What are you looking forward to most?

              That’s hard because I’m looking forward to so much, probably too much if that’s possible. Since I’m an Anthropologist and have studied most of the places I’m going to, finally being able to see the places and people I’ve studied is going to be exciting for me. As well though being able to experience new things, I feel like I have been trapped for so long in my little bubble that it’s exciting for me to finally break out of it; to get out of my comfort zone. Lastly to have amazing adventures with new people and to grow as a community together that helps push each other to new heights.

    4. What are you most scared about?

      Ha! What am I not scared about is more the question that should be asked. But, for me I think the thing that I’m most scared of is not allowing myself to change, be challenged and to grow. I can either be willing to learn new experiences, share my life story or continue on the way that I have. I can either allow myself to stay in the same place or grow throughout this amazing journey.

    5. How will you be communicating?

    Depending on the internet that I have and how often I’ll be sending out emails, posting photos and such on Facebook, and we can do google hangouts if you want to video chat. As well though if you want postcards sent to you I’d love to do that! 🙂

    6. What would you like us to pray for?

    For prayer I would love it if you all could pray for safety for health, travel, and just overall protection. As well, wisdom not only for myself as I lead a team but for my squad leaders, those doing logistics, and our treasurers. Pray for patience for all of us as frustrations arise in situations between each other and as well in our experiences in the different countries. Pray for comfort and that God’s love will be just a constant; because perfect love casts out all fears. Lastly pray for change. Change in myself, change in my team members, change in the world! Pray for the change that the Lord is about to do that people will learn of the hope that I have and want to share it with others!


Thank you all for your support, love, and continual encouragement. You all are a huge blessing in my life and I could not ask for a more loving community around me. God truly has blessed me with you. Be ready for more posts and pictures and all that fun jazz 🙂