My dear sweet girl,

    I want to tell you something. Come closer to me so that I don’t have to shout it to you, but rather whisper it gently in your ear. My girl you are LOVED! You are loved fully and abundantly. You are NEVER without my love! Hold onto that truth. Let me say it again, you are never without my love! You long so much for me to tell you things. All you have to do is follow the passions I have already given you and I will provide a way for you. Don’t panic or worry or stress over what might happen tomorrow. You don’t even need to think about that because I have a plan for you. One with a purpose one not to harm, but to do good in your life (Jeremiah 29:11).


Take a moment to breath, be still and trust me! Each and every day. Practice it, breath me into your soul and every time that you do you’ll notice that your breaths will become easier because you’ll be relying on me, and my strength rather than your own. Because I tell you time and time again to come to me when you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). So take time to do that, to sit at my feet like Mary don’t always be a Martha. For while I have given you a servant's heart, take time to serve yourself! You need to come and be filled too!


I know you feel like you do but love you really don’t. I know that’s hard to hear but if you were to really sit at my feet you wouldn’t feel like the weight of the world is on you each day. This is what I want you to do, I want you to pray before you get out of bed. Pray for my strength and guidance rather than your own. Because I guide your steps with my holy light (Psalm 119:105).


My beloved, take time to look around you too, I have given you eyes that are different for a reason. So that you may see my beauty and the love story I have written to you through my creation. Each place that you travel to, each new country, new town, new road, new home you stay at is where I am also. So look at me and see my love in the flowers, in the green grass, in the warm sunshine, and in the night sky; my love is everywhere for you to see and capture. I want you to capture it not only in pictures for others to see, but capture it with your heart! I didn’t make things beautiful, mysterious, weird, or awe inspiring for my own benefit. Rather it is for you and the rest of the world to look at and see me; my creativity, my painting, my photo, and most importantly my love that I have for you.


So love, the next time you feel unloved, alone, or are just down, Look out your window and see my love. Go out into the sunshine and feel my warm embrace, or go into the rain next time and feel my gentle kiss on your cheek. For just as creation waits eagerly for my return, I too wait longingly for you to come to me (Romans 8:19). For as you remain in me I remain in you. For I am the true vine and you are my branches. Apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:4-5).


Last thing I want to tell you. Go and enjoy the adventure that is before you. Love each person I place in your life how I love you. Unconditionally, with compassion and mercy (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Because when you love the way I love you, you will see that all your fears, doubts, worries, and stresses will melt away. Because perfect love casts out all of those things (1 John 4:13). For as you love as I do you learn to know me! Simply by loving (1 John 4:7-8)! It all comes round full circle, because I love you so much you sw that and want that love, the only way to love is to love me and through filling yourself with my love you then can love others and share my contagious, aduatious love with them!


Beloved, I will say it again I LOVE YOU! Hold onto it as challenges arise. I love you. You are loved and you are mine!


With all my love,
