1. Be ready for sleep deprivation you aren’t in a 5 star hotel, remember this is preparation for the Race and well getting a comfortable night’s sleep may not happen.
  2. Be ready to be real, vulnerable, and raw with people.  Remember these are the people you will be spending the next year with so be open and be YOU!!
  3. Be ready for long night talks and early mornings. Getting to meet people finally makes it easy to stay up and talk into the wee hours of the morning; just know your days are filled so get some sleep.
  4. Be ready to be around people ALL THE TIME. If you are one of those people who need your alone time I suggest just mentally preparing yourself for not really getting any, and let’s be honest you probably won’t be getting any on the Race anyways so get use to people.
  5. Be ready for bugs. If you are someone like me where bugs LOVE YOU then get bug spray and use it often!
  6. Be ready to be exposed to new ways of eating. Training did a good exposure of different meals and customs of different cultures, often with little protein so if you like meat don’t expect much of it, I would suggest bringing some high protein snacks if you get hungry quickly and or often. If you have allergies there was great accommodation so don’t feel like you won’t be able to eat!
  7. Be ready to be challenged. Whether this is spiritually, emotionally, or physically training camp pushes you in all areas.
  8. Be ready not to set expectations since you do not know what will happen next, be ready for anything.
  9. Be ready to drink lots and lots of water; its important and you’ll need it so make sure you bring a water bottle.
  10. Be ready to learn what you need and what you do not need for the World Race. Training camp is a great time to test out gear, how much to pack, etc. So be ready to either get new gear or to not bring so much on the World Race.
  11. Be ready for God to MOVE in you and your group!