In the last few weeks I’ve had many opportunities to tell of the old, old story how a savior came from glory, how he gave his life on Calvary to save a wretch like me! I love telling this best of stories 🙂
Here in Albania, after having shared the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am asked this direct question, “So, do you think I’m wrong?”
I don’t like this question! It puts me in an awkward place, not wanting to offend, but not able to take back what I’ve said! They know the answer, because I’ve already shared how I believe that ONLY Jesus can save us sinners. But they want me to say it, and having to answer that pointed question means right out saying “yes I believe you’re wrong”. And even tougher is answering the common, “do you think I’m going to Hell” question. Being honest I have to reply with “yes if you died right now, without Jesus, I do believe you would go to hell”! These answers are very uncomfortable and hard to give! Honestly it would be far easier for me to tell them “no I don’t think you’re wrong, we just have different ideas about things”. But that would NOT be very loving of me, AT ALL!
Lets think about it this way:
I’m a sky dive instructor. One of my students thinks his parachute is an unnecessary inconvenience for him to make the jump. As the instructor, I know that if he were to jump out of the plane, from our 10,000 foot jump height, the law of gravity would insure his plummet to the unyielding ground beneath, and the poor guy would most certainly die. Knowing this crucial information, I must in love, tell the dude that he is dead WRONG! His ONLY hope of survival is to wear the parachute!

The skydiving story is one example of how telling someone they’re wrong is actually the only loving thing to do. There are many other analogies I could think of but, I think you get my point. This is why I MUST, lovingly respond YES, when asked the question “do you think I’m wrong in believing that all ways lead to heaven”. Because there is a law even more serious then gravity. It is the law of God which requires a perfection to which none of us attain. And Gods justice is only satisfied by the blood of Jesus covering our sins. Jesus is the parachute we need to escape our plummet down to death.

1Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
John 14:6
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

I know I speak very plainly and boldly, and this kind of talk may make you uncomfortable. We live in a day of political correctness where people beat around the bush with nice soft words, so as to not step on anyone’s toes. Being narrow minded and exclusive is basically a sin. Everyone decides what is true for themselves, and it’s unacceptable to say “you’re wrong”!
I think, in honesty, no matter who you are or what you believe you would have to tell someone who believes differently then you do that you believe they are wrong. It is simply the nature of believing something – you think it’s right. And if you think you’re right (which would be why you believe it) you consequently must think others, who don’t agree with you, are wrong.

It’s not just about who’s right and who’s wrong. I could care less about being right, I care about the lost and dying. I want them to know the AWESOME God that I am living for and the LOVING JESUS that I am in love with!

Friends and fellow believers we have a lot of people in the world to lovingly reach with the good news of Jesus!!!!

PS: I love this song, Above ALL.