Last night we had an amazing team time! There had been quite a bit of pent up frustration in a few of us, and last night it all came out! It was needed ( I was one of the frustrated ones) there was just a bunch of misunderstanding about different aspects of our team. I just love the way that my team is becoming a family! We are committed to each other and love each other enough to say the hard things and point out areas in which another may need to grow! We want to see each other reach their full potential, and we will not be content with “good enough”. I was given some very good constructive feedback last night!

A few of my teammates challenged me in the way I discuss my differences with others. I can come across arrogant and uncaring. I could tell you so much more about what they said and what God has been (and I know will be) teaching me in this area; but I’m typing on my ipod and so that’s not gonna happen 🙂

I am just so thankful to have such great friends/teammates who care about me so much, and want to see me grow. They were so gracious in the way they shared with me, and I know I needed to hear it. Honestly I don’t understand most people! I am so different in the way I think that “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” does not always work when I’m discussing something controversial. But I know that God is going to change and grow me so much this coming year, and He’s gonna use my teammates as part of the refining process!

I love honesty and openness, and am so happy that those things are encouraged and practically enforced on the world race.

Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. (Proverbs 27:5-6)