Let me first just say WOW.
WOW, I never thought I would be in the United States at this very moment.
WOW, I wouldn’t have expected something like this to take place in the world.
WOW, I didn’t know the last six months of my life would have been the way they were.
WOW, I didn’t think they would get ripped away from me in a second. My mind is still spinning, sometimes that moment is still a blurr.
Trying to process it all has been tough.
I am not one to be extra emotional and I am used to moving, adapting, and surving, so I felt like this wasn’t new. God knew what my life would consist of, so He prepared me for this too.
At first, I thought it was wrong that I wasn’t crying. I mean I had my little moments, but I actually found myself super excited.
God had been speaking to me about some things He wanted me to do, but I knew that while I was on the Race, there just wasn’t room.
Being in other countries was amazing, but there were times that I felt I made more of a difference at home. I didn’t think that was where I would end up so soon though.
However, it’s okay, here I am and instead of sitting around twiddling my thumbs, I am working on those plans.
Would I still love to be on the Race? Yes, more than anything.
Am I happy to be home? Yes, because this is where God called me.
Do I miss my squad? Yes, but we will always be Z.
Even when things aren’t clear I know I serve a God that has a master plan.
I trust Him even when I don’t understand, so much that I put my life in His hands.
Life always has it’s twists and turns, we don’t always know what tomorrow or even the next moment may hold. My peace lies in the fact that I don’t have to know it all because God does and I know He won’t let me fall. I didn’t expect to be here, but now that I am, I plan to do the things God asked me to do while I was gone. I believe God knows exactly what He is doing and He has brought us home to share the Good News among our own nation to help them through this rough time.
On Friday March 13, 2020, we were told that we would be coming home. We didn’t know when exactly, we thought maybe in the next few days. We didn’t know that would be our last day of ministry and that we wouldn’t get the chance to say bye to all the children we tutored or had youth group with. That hurt a lot. As the hours began to pass, we started getting more info that we would be leaving within 24-hours. Hours later we were told to be at the airport in the morning and hours after that we were informed on when and where we would land. It all happened so fast.
Had it been the end we expected we would have been prepared, but that’s the cool part about trusting God. You may never know when the road will shift, but you can be asured that in His hand you are stable, because we serve a God that is more than able!
Our organization, Adventures in Missions, had to make the hard choice of bringing us home early to insure our safety in this caotic moment of uncertainty. They brought around 600 missionaries back from the field safe and sound within 72-hours of that decision being made.
There are still questions about what is next, is this a pause or a finish and so on. Those questions are valid, but with the situation at hand, they are hard to answer. In the meantime, we are in the presence of the Father trusting that He knows what is in store. It is our job to continue to seek Him and His will, knowing that He will continue to guide us.
Please keep our organization in your prayers as they work on debreifing us all at once. Please pray for all the missionaries that came home suddenly, that their transistions would be smooth and they would grieve well. Also, keep our world uplifted. Pray for peace, healing, and provision for everyone during this time.
Thank you for coming along for the ride. My race isn’t over though, it’s for a lifetime. Check out my website: www.tattedtestimony.com to stay intuned with all God is going to do!
Be Blessed ALL!