If we are not called to live in comfort but we are called to live in community…. what does that say about our Christian community today? If we worship a homeless man who hung out with prostitutes and criminals on Sunday; and yet ignore and judge the very ones he loved on Monday- what do we believe in?
Why are we living big dreams made up by a society of More; when really we are supposed to be living God’s dream. Where in the bible does it say that we are to grow up, go to college, have a career, find a spouse, live in a perfect house with a white picket fence, and have children (so they can repeat the process). Where does it say that we must work to own a car, property, etc. etc. We have to save our money just in case and possibly invest it? Where does it say that money equals happiness? Aren’t we encouraged to give and to not hold on too tightly to things of this world?
Now this may sounds like I am ranting… and I might be, but really I am just caught between two worlds.
I didn’t grow up in the above scenario, in fact I had the opposite life thus far. I didn’t go to college, I never had enough money to save, and I am still single at 27 years old. I used to think that that “perfect life” is what I wanted, I used to think that it would bring me happiness…. but I don’t know anymore. At the time any bit of normalcy sounded good, only because I thought it would remedy my brokenness.
I’ve seen things in this world, I’ve seen poverty and people who couldn’t even afford to dream big dreams. The white picket fence scenario is something they will never know about or even how to imagine. Yet, in their poverty they had community and it was what held them together. My heart was transformed and my needs became less. So, my mindset is not the same as so many; but I still grimace a little when I reach into my wallet to help someone out. I could use that money for (fill in the blank). Immediately I feel guilty and have to ask why I still hold on to something that will not last. It really is just a quick thought, but the thought shouldn’t even be there.
I want community, the community Jesus wants us to have. To love and cherish EVERYONE around me; and welcome in those who are cast out. To bring healing to criminals and dignity to prostitutes. To freely give without batting an eye and to know others would do the same for me. I want to break bread with people (rich and poor), and get to know the inner desires of those who have been kept silent. To cry with those who cry, and celebrate the brokenness that connects us all together. The brokenness that originated from the wounds of the One who thought of others before himself. Who was willing to give his life for his brothers and sisters in all their sin and anger.
The solution is to create community wherever we are, because really Jesus is wherever we are.
The solution is to love ALL more then we love ourselves and to see Jesus in everyone.
The solution is to really look into people and not just at them.
The solution has been there all along; it’s just not the one most of us choose.
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13: 34-35