Dear Supporters and Friends,

Some of you may have heard that I am heading to Thailand next month, for a brief time. I have two main purposes for this trip:
1. To help debrief the girls, I coach, that live in Cambodia. We are staying at SHE ministries (, where we will also volunteer. SHE works in Phuket, Thailand and helps get women off the streets, out of the bars, and rehabilitated. They are amazing and have done so much that they now also have a Missions Training School.
2. Do some research for SODE Solution (, a non-profit that I do writing for. SODE is fairly new, with a wonderful mission. We want to partner with non-profits around the world, to raise awareness and money, to get women and children out of the sex trade. So far we are partnered with Lighthouse Thailand in Chiang Mai (another non-profit I will be visiting). We’ve helped get one girl out of the trade (Bee) and she is now our interpreter! We are getting ready to partner with an organization in Bulgaria, which I am very excited about.
All this research and experience will be used in the future for SODE and also for me as I do presentations raising more awareness. I am also in the process of helping out a non-profit here in Colorado, that has plans  to open a Safe House. Because of the highway systems in Colorado, we are a bit of a mecca for traffickers. 
That being said, I am asking you to partner with me to get to Thailand and home. 
Isaiah 58 speaks of a kind of fasting that doesn’t just entail food. It’s a fasting that is a commitment to justice and the poor; where God’s people will find life. God has given me a passion for justice and for those who are oppressed. This is how he has led me to fight for his people right now and I am following by faith. All I need is 58 people to donate $35 and I have enough go. Please pray and consider giving either directly to me or on my Adventures in Missions blog (Support Me). 
Thank you for all you have done for me thus far, and please let me know if you have any other questions.
God Bless!
“Is this not the kind of fast I have chosen: 
to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, 
to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Isaiah 58:6