Well, the whole world rang in a New Year……a new decade last night. As the ball dropped in New York and skies were illuminated with colorful lights; many people began to reflect. It’s true, January 1 makes people reflect on the previous year, what they want to change about themselves, and what is ahead in the new one. This is the year to lose 50lbs, it’s the time to reconcile with that family member, time to quit my job and do something I want, etc. etc. So it begins, some people stick to their goal for a week, maybe longer; but ultimately more things happen in life and resolutions are repeated the next year. Maybe we would be more successful if we decided to get closer to God and let Him work inside of us….let him fix what is wrong. Then I think the choices we make become more grounded and we stick to what is going to improve us this year.
January 1, 2010, for my team mates and I, means a lot. What are we going to do in 11 countries this year? Who are we going to meet? Who are we going to shed some light on? A lot of unknowns are ahead for us, but I think that we like it. We like the adventure, we like that we pretty much have to rely solely on God; because ultimately we have no control over the next year. Our hands are tied behind our backs and we are being led down the path by His love.

I came across a poem that I wrote a couple of years ago; and I thought it might just relate to the people we will meet across the Nations this year. It probably will relate to us as well.
The Invitation
Scarred hearts merge together
in a pool of brokeness
hoping for a promise
neither heard or seen.
Chopped down to nothing
abused and misled
by a world of thieves
who’ve stolen their dreams.
Addictions, anger, self pity
all come easy
when you’ve decided
you’re alone, all alone.
So what is left
in this darkness and pain?
Who will listen and
accept your full shame?
It’s in a park
on a breezy day
when you feel the
invitation to his place.

This is when you see
He hasn’t denied you,
and you are a part
of his never ending promise.
Even when the road
is broken and curved,
when all souls
seem bitter and scarred;
He will not forget
you are His family
and he catches
every tear you drop.
So my wish for us all is we would die to this world and realize that living for it, only ends in brokeness. There is something much greater and seeking that spirit is so important. Reach out to each other, pray, and realize that it’s really not about us.
I love you all and look forward to “reflecting” with you this year……perhaps losing a part of ourselves but gaining something so much better. Remember none of us are insignificant and it doesn’t take much to make a difference.