They say history repeats itself.

I suppose that’s true on a variety of levels.
So, here is my question: Why do we who have accepted Christ, still Fear.
History may repeat itself, but so does God.
He repeatedly shows up, provides, and remains Faithful.
So many times we want to take a leap of faith, but are too afraid.
Too often we hear that voice telling us to leap, whispering: “do it.”    
We want to so bad, but aren’t sure that it is the right choice,
then we go in circles until we eventually decide not to.
       “Next time, I’ll take that leap of faith…. next time.”
History repeats itself. 

                                                                                                                                                               Life on earth is complicated and confusing. Time is our focus and we want to get the “right” things done in the “right” amount of time. We are so focused on our life responsibilities, that we push God’s purpose for us deeper into a corner. It collects dust as we stay in the comfort of our choices. All the while there is a deep tugging within, telling us that we are not fulfilled. What happens we we leap? God has proven himself in our lives day in and day out; which is one of the big reasons we follow him. 

During this beautiful season, we are reminded of that Love and Faith. We are reminded of a God who put himself into a human form, so he could prove his Love for us. God hung on a wooden cross, ridiculed and pierced, a crown of thorns ripping his scalp (dripping like tears of blood). Gruesome for sure, but something that proves our purpose in this Life. Living for our God, giving him the glory. Why should we be afraid? 
God reassures us around 365 times in the bible to not Fear. It takes Love and Faith to believe, Trust to leap; a death to remind us of our Creator’s Grace. Fear is the enemy, resist it.

Life is short.
Leap far, Trust always, and Love strong
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20