You can get addicted to a certain way of thinking, a certain kind of emotion. One becomes restless, agitated, hopeless, and somewhat desperate. Production level drops and things become more complicated.
 I say this with Loneliness in mind.
I’ve talked to many friends who believe that the right true love is not out there. They are destined to be alone for the rest of their life, or end up with the wrong person. I will admit that I often think about this and it really sucks. Let’s be honest, loneliness is a dark surmounting fear. In the span of a year I have been invited to at least nine weddings, all being for good Christian people. It’s beautiful, awesome, encouraging, and a little daunting. I myself don’t know many good Christian guys; and I don’t think I would accept anything less then a God fearing, Jesus loving dude. My standards are high.
So like my friends, I am reminded of the clock ticking and the years passing. Watching a cheesy chick flick that always ends in “perfect” romance, pulls at our hearts. Then one of us takes the plunge down the aisle and the we put a finger down. We tend to glance at guys left hands as we drive ourselves crazy. We secretly are heart broken when Prince William gets married and then remind ourselves that there is still Tim Tebow. Really, it’s a sick mind game and we become jaded princesses.
Has society set us up for this? Are we trained as young girls that a wedding is the biggest event of our lives and fairytales do come true? Women who are alone grow old and live in a house full of cats….still alone?
Whatever the case, it’s annoying. Patience is hard. 
So we continue to live our lives pretending that we aren’t bothered. Trying to focus on other things and forgetting about it until another wedding invitation comes in the mail. Still, we do our best to remember that God has promised us all the riches in the world according to what has been given to us in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19). We remind ourselves to focus on Jesus and not the lies of society.
Loneliness is what we make it, it’s our own addiction.
 Clinging to the Truth of a God that will never leave us alone is the only treatment.