Africa has been so wonderful. Our squad has been in Zambia, South Africa, and Swaziland. Each country has it’s differences and similarities. It’s been a BLAST getting to know the different cultures and peoples in each location.

The wifi situation is much LESS fun… Basically it’s difficult to find and sketchy at best.  So I’ve decided to give you all a quick overview of what we’ve been up to ?? (Also, sorry no pictures ??)


In Ndola, Zambia we worked with a missions organization that strives to bring not just relief but change to the people of Zambia. We had the amazing opportunity to teach 3 weeks of classes in their vocational school. The skills we taught will help young adults to get better paying jobs and even start their own businesses. My favorite part was being able to teach a music and worship class. I got to share something I love and am passionate about with others who share that same passion. It was amazing seeing the talent and hunger for basic knowledge.

As a country, Zambia is still somewhat split into different tribes. They have over 70 spoken languages. In the city it may seem fairly modernized but not far away are the simple huts with cook fires and no electricity. It was a really fun mixture for us and we loved going out to see the different churches and ministries in rural villages.

While there, our squad (made up of 22 people) went to see a football (soccer) game together. It was between Zambia and Kenya. We wore Zambian colors, painted our faces, and learned the local team chants. I’m not usually a fan of sports but it’s always fun getting caught up in the excitement of an event and being altogether as a squad was crazy and fun all at once.

Another of my favorite memories was the morning we decided to hike up the only mountain in sight. It wasn’t far from where we were staying and it wasn’t very big. We totally unprepared for what we found at the top though. Not only was the view amazing (it was literally the only high ground for MILES) but this mountain is where the local churches go to fast and pray as a community. As we hiked closer and closer to the top we could hear singing in the distance. It was very surreal; hiking through the beautiful Zambian bush and hearing them all singing in praises to God in a different language. It was a moment I will never forget.

As we got closer to the top we found people praying and crying out to God with hunger and passion. They go to the mountain because they can see their city and the surrounding villages from there. With the whole area in sight, they intercede and cry out on behalf of their friends and family. At the very top of the mountain we gathered together and joined in a short prayer as well.

As a whole, Zambia was great!  I loved our ministry, our host, and the local culture.