This is a poem I wrote during an all-squad worship time.  Our whole squad is together this month.  All 23 of us living together in one house, sharing one kitchen, one not-so-big bathroom, and limited common room space.  It has been very overwhelming at times.  We have all been challenged in new and often unexpected ways.  But it has also been beautiful.

I think we would all agree that people are not always easy to live with.  But I believe that true, godly community is something every believer needs and craves.  God didn’t make us to live alone.  He calls us to gather together and to love even when love seems like the last things you should be feeling.

I hope the words of this poem challenge you as they challenged me.


Words heard in truth

Truth spoken in love

Prayers offered

Tears shared

Pain felt for someone else

Joy in another’s success

Laughter without reason

Smiles freely given

Chores done on my behalf

Money loaned with no account

Secret sacrifices

Peaceful silences

Giving myself for another

With no expectation of return

Belongings shared

Even in lack

Difficulties bared, not hidden

Transparency in it’s fullness

Clear reflections

Quiet acceptance

Fighting along side, never against

Believing the best in each circumstance

Choosing grace

Extending mercy

Giving your best when no one is looking

Thinking of others though your heart is breaking 

Loving well

Fully loved