This morning I woke up from a dead sleep at 8:15. For those of you who know me well, this is very rare. I like my sleep. When I woke up, the first thing I started thinking of was the World Race and how launch is very quickly approaching. I began to run through a mental check list of everything I still have to do before I leave. O started to become overwhelmed with the thought. Then another thought hit me. In a few short weeks I will have to say goodbye to the people I love. My family and friends will not be physically going with me anywhere. My overwhelmed, anxious feeling turned to feelings of sadness and longing. I began to think of everything that I will be missing out on this year. I will miss all of my favorite season and my favorite holidays. I absolutely love the fall. The leaves changing color, the smell of leaves burning, the sound of the wind blowing the leaves that still need to be raked up around. And Thanksgiving. Oh man, do I love Thanksgiving. Not just because there is great food every year (which there absolutely is) but because every Thanksgiving I am reminded how much I have to be thankful for. I know that sounds very cliché, but it’s true. I have a wonderful family and amazing friends, a place to live and food on my table every day. I serve a God who will never leave me or forsake me. who could ask for more?
            In all of the sadness and fear of leaving the people I love and the home I know so well I was reminded that I try to take control of my life too much. I have been given so much and I am afraid to give it back to the Lord. The things I have been blessed with are a gift from Him. they are not mine to keep from Him. I was reminded that I need to trust in the Lord and know that with the World Race, He has a great plan. there is a reason I am leaving when I am (well, if I have enough funding by August 15 I will leave in September). Trusting in The Lord is something I have always struggled with. Even today, as I right this, I still have some doubt that I will get all of the funding I need to leave in September. I am still about $2000 short of what I need at the moment. But I know The Lord has this under control, and no matter what happens, He is looking out for me and knows what is best for me.
            Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blogs, pray with/for me and continue to support me as I prepare to leave. You are loved.