As you all know, I am back, living in Keller. But what you don’t know, is that it’s like living in a whole new world. When making the decision to come home, I was scared and had a fear of coming back unchanged. Once I got back, I noticed how much I had actually learned about myself. I took the advice and encouragement from my wonderful team, Abundant Joy, and I continued to apply it all once I got home. 

My team gave me a whole new perspective on life and it changed who I am as a whole. They taught me how to love well, but even more, they showed me how to love deeply. As I go on everyday, I notice how much simply loving a stranger, or customer, at work, can completely turn their day around. Some of the people that I come across, rarely, or never, experience Christ’s loving and I have the opportunity to show them what that looks like, to the best of my abilities.

My team also showed me what it’s like to have pure joy. Now, don’t get me wrong, I was very happy when I left for Cambodia, but, to me, there is a huge difference between Happiness and Joy. I would only experience happiness if I were doing well, or if I were having a good day. I thought I was focusing on God and my relationship with Him, until I got sick. Then I was mad every day. My team stayed with me through that, even though I was complete negative energy. Obviously, they had no other choice, but I am a firm believer that they would have stayed by my side and will continue to, even if they didn’t/don’t have to. I experienced real joy for they very first time after being stuck at home when everyone else was at ministry. My team mate, Abi, came up and started talking to me. I don’t really remember what she actually said, but I broke down sobbing. This was not because I was happy, actually, it was because of the complete opposite. I was completely broken down, and I hadn’t talked to my family in weeks. After crying in my teammates arms, My squamate, Caroline, and Abi, started praying over me and my walk. Immediately after that, I closed my eyes, put my earbuds in, and laid down. The very first song that played was exactly what I needed to hear. From that moment on, I started pursuing Christ with my entire being. The joy I felt then has been multiplied to the current day. I believe that if you focus on Christ, and others, you will have endless Joy. But if you focus on yourself, your happiness will be contingent on whether you get what you want, or if your having a bad day. I will forever be grateful to serve such a great God. Since I have been home, sharing this joy, that I have deep inside of my heart, has been a complete blessing. I have seen it spread like wildflowers, which if really amazing, considering that I have only been home a month. I feel God using me in this way and I feel blessed for the opportunity to serve Him in this way. 

God has showed me the fruits of the spirit in so many ways, and if you asked, I could probably explain to you how God showed me Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-control, too. But as For now, I’ll just leave you with Love and Joy. Those are the one’s that impacted me the most while I was gone, but they all continue to show up in Christ’s mysterious ways, even to this day. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

