The truth about the world race…

When I was younger, there were a lot of things a said I wanted to be.. At some point I wanted to be a body builder and another point I wanted to be a body guard. I’ve also wanted to be a teacher and a lawyer. I’ve wanted to be so much more. Obviously none of these things happened and the dream is no longer a desire. So when I applied to go on the world race, I assumed that I’d apply and I assumed everyone was right. There was no way I would get to $10000 dollars by August. The excitement kicked in when I got back from training camp but I still hadn’t processed what was about to happen. Actually, not until a few days ago did I process it.
Truth is this: the World Race is so much harder than I could’ve ever expected. They take our squads into spiritually dark places, so that we can be the light. That sounds a lot easier than it has been. The past few days I have been sick and it’s getting harder than before. We ride bikes pretty much EVERYWHERE. (which is quite hard when you have an aching stomach). And staying positive is really hard when you can’t get the sleep you need when you’re sick.
So if anyone is reading this and is debating applying for the race, I say do it. It will definitely challenge your faith though. My prayer for you is that you will be spiritually ready to take on the world.
For all of my supporters: thank you for everything, please pray for my well being and my fevers to break completely. Also, pray for the spiritual warfare of my entire squad because there is definitely a lot going on.