Sitting here thinking, at 8:27 in the mornin, about the views people have on my generation. Some of the things I’ve heard are: “They never get off their phones.” “They feel entitled to everything.” “They can’t have a full, face-to-face, conversation, in person.” “They are selfish and only think about themselves.” “They spend too much time at coffee shops.” “Man, we need to get rid of their man buns.” 

All of these are, somewhat, relevant points. But let me tell you how I see it. I am so proud of our generation. I mean, yes, we have more atheist than other generactions, BUT, we have way more devout Christians. Way more youth building a relationship with Christ. We have a generation becoming a movement, and I’m not saying that lightly. I have friends who go out and evangelize for fun. I have friends who I’ll go to coffee with and we will talk about Jesus for up to 12 hours. This love that we are spreading, is like wildflowers. I see people come to Christ in a more realistic and passionate way than ever before. We are making the choice to run towards Christ wholeheartedly. Yes, we use our phones a lot to spread the Good News on social media. Yes, we are at coffee shops a lot, but that’s so that we can have those face-to-face conversations with people. Yes, there are a lot of man buns, and I kinda dig them, but I’m sure there was a fashion statement that your generatoon made when you were younger that your older generations didn”t like. 

I’m not writing this post to argue with views on millennials, I just want you to try and see it from our perspective. We are a generation rising up and we are spreading love like wildflowers. 

My prayer for you today, is that you sitting back and reevaluate how you view people, and look at it from their point of view. 

Have a blessed day.