How am I doing? I got asked this sometime today and realized
I didn’t have a good answer at the time. So I went and hung out by the bonfire,
played with Scooby (the dog) and wrote out some stuff in my journal.

I am…

Energized. It’s
good being here. I enjoyed time traveling across Tanzania, being with other
teams, sleeping in different beds, hanging out on a sailboat.

Empowered. Not as
hesitant about my role or what needs to happen. Undoubtedly I need to spend
more time on my face before God. But stuff is going to happen.

Curious. Team
changes and how they’re accepted. Asia and what it’s going to be like. Debrief,
leaders, worship, team debriefs-how they are going to go and what God is going
to do.

Longing. I want to
be in a deeper place with God, more the idea of God holding me with His hand in
deep waters, or being under the waterfall, or steady in the middle of the
storm. I haven’t been doing a whole lot to pursue that. Needs to happen.

Joyful. Definitely
more than recently. It’s easier to smile and laugh right now. There’s more of a
lightness, definitely not what I expected to be around come time to make team
decisions or plan debrief.

Excited. As this
shift happens in our squad, I feel a shift happening in me. Realization that
there’s more than just the next 5 months in store. There’s more revelation,
freedom, depth.