I can get lost in the doing. I can entertain myself easily,
which sometimes just means filling up the hours of my day. Up for an hour
already, what have I done of value? Returned some emails. Read blogs I put up
months ago. Sat here with a toothbrush in my mouth for fifteen minutes because
I didn’t want to get up and rinse out my mouth. What is going to last from this

Here’s what I want to be doing. Spending time on my face. Seeking the
voice of my Daddy. Soaking in His presence. Sharing my heart and hope and
concerns for those around me with Him. Searching for what He’s saying about today. I want to be in that place no matter what’s going on around me. I want to exercise my mind to be constantly focused on Him and what He’s doing in the world around me. And then I want to join in with that.

That we should establish ourselves in a sense of God’s Presence, by
continually conversing with Him.
That it was a shameful thing to quit His conversation, to think of trifles and
That we should feed and nourish our souls with high notions of God; which would
yield us great joy in being devoted to Him. That we ought to quicken, to
enliven, our faith.
That it was lamentable we had so little; and that instead of taking faith for
the rule of their conduct, men amused themselves with trivial devotions, which
changed daily.
…First Conversation, Brother Lawrence, Practicing the Presence of God…

These are just the random thoughts in my head as I sit here at a hostel in Antigua while the rest of the teams begin to get up. I just walked in the room to wake up Jenny for our run. Oh the joy of living with people who are constantly seeking the face of the Lord as well. She was already awake, reading Psalms 91. So in the middle of the “doing” I get snippets of what the Lord is saying. And then before she rolls out of bed and we both pull on our running shoes, “I want to read Isaiah 61.” Good morning. Scattered thoughts. Excited for what the rest of the day holds.