fitting 11 months of life into backpacks.
Hard decision, but I don’t think Missie is going to be making the trip. She did hang out with me when the contents of my backpack exploded all over the living room floor.
Packing Attempt #1
Weight: 51 pounds
Items not packed: jackets, towel, first aid kit, years-supply of contacts,
eating utensils, mess kit and pile of random stuff.
Packing Attempt #2
Weight: 48 pounds
Items not packed: mess kit, eating utensils, jackets and books
Packing Attempt #3
Weight: 45 pounds
Items not packed: I’ll figure that out when I get to Ireland and say,
“Oh, I should have packed….”
It doesn’t seem like a lot…unless I try to walk around with the backpack on. I was talking with another girl from my squad about what we were taking, how we were packing it, and how it was going to fit in one backpack. Then she pointed out this verse:
Maybe I should leave behind a few more things. 🙂