From Mikayla Bedward at Adventures South Asia

Nothing is impossible with God! Here in South Asia we are seeing evidence of this fact.  For 2 months, I have walked to see Venkatamma.  She is a 52-year-old woman who has been paralyzed for over a year. Imagine, lying in your bed for an entire year!  Unable to move, to care for yourself or your family.  What a frustrating situation! Venkdatamma needed encouragement. She needed hope. She needed to know she was not forgotten or abandoned. Her face was downcast. Her heart was as broken as her legs. She had even stopped eating. She needed God to meet her in her time of suffering. 

Every time I sat beside her bed I encouraged her to hold onto her hope. We prayed for Jesus to heal her. Our church took up the mantle of prayer for her as well.

Venkdatamma said, “Last month, I stood.  Then, I moved my feet forward while leaning on a cane. It was a miracle!” 

Her smile said it all. Her mood lifted and she began to eat again. She looked up. The change in her countenance was stunning. Now she is an ambassador for Jesus. 

“Everywhere I WALK I shares my story about God’s love for me and how he healed my body, but also my heart. I want to be a living testimony of his healing and lead many others to the Healer!”