The past two months I have gotten the opportunity to serve Nicaraguan refugees. Yes, it has been challenging at times, but man do I love it! 


Here are a few of my little friends whom I love with my whole heart: 

This is Mayli, she has so much personality and her little body. She loves swinging more than any kid on this planet. She will literally swing for hours and tends to fall asleep in the swing. She really loves to talk as well. I have no clue what she is saying but that does not stop her. She will just go on and on. She brings so much joy to me and my team!



I have no clue how to spell his name, nor do I know how to pronounce it BUT he is such sweetheart! He is my little soccer partner, although he kicks my butt every time. Kindness overflows from this kid. Every time I arrive to ministry he runs up and gives me the sweetest hug followed by what I think is gonna be a fist bump but turns into a dab, leaving me hanging. I love laughing with him. Even though we can’t understand each other we always manage to have so much fun.


Eileen, where to even start with this sweet soul. The first day I met her we instantly became friends. She showed me that we don’t have to speak the same language to have fun together. She is 9 years old but is pretty mature for her age. I don’t think there is a mean bone in her body. She loves to draw… A LOT. I have a whole stack of drawings she has made for me. One of our favorite things to do is walk around, hand in hand, pointing to random objects saying “come se dice en espanol?” or her saying “come se dice en ingles”. Its been so fun learning from her and being able to teach her some. Playing tag, jump roping, or playing soccer we are always busy with something! I have loved every moment with Eileen and am so thankful that I get to spend so much time with her.


I have loved getting to know these sweet kiddos. Only one more month with them just doesn’t seem like enough. I am so thankful I have gotten to love on them and am going to try my very best to take in every moment I have left with them.