(WARNING: I am about to get very vulnerable so brace yourselves for what’s to come) 

The week before Easter I was talking to a world race alumni (Leslie Wakeland, woop woop) about the race and I knew there was no way I could go on a 9 month long mission trip away from home. While talking to a friend we decided we were in this together. We would go on the race together once she was finished with high school next year. I really needed to go with someone because I knew I couldn’t do it alone. 

I then thought about all the friends I had that would do it, and one came to mind but I never suggested it to her because I didn’t want her to think I was crazy. 

After bringing the race up to this friend in conversation with Leslie, we decided it would be so fun to do together before we both reached the age of being too old to do it.

One night a couple days later I got a call from this friend “what would you say if I told you I just signed up for the world race?” 

It was at that moment I knew I could sign up for the race because I was depending on her. I shortly after signed up for the race knowing I was going into it comfortably.  

The fears kept creeping into my mind “what if she doesn’t get accepted and I do? How can I do this alone? I NEED her to get accepted or I’m not going! I can’t go into this 9 month long mission trip not knowing anyone. I need a friend from home.” 

We both got accepted and I knew this was what God wanted for us because everything fell into place how I wanted it to. 

I asked her every packing question I had like she had been on the race 3 times. I had to know what she was bringing and if I was bringing the same thing. I was bringing everything she did because I didn’t know what else to do and I needed her approval. 

I signed up for the race knowing I had a person to rely on completely.

Training camp came, we flew to training camp together (which only made sense). 

Once we arrived, we got our team assignments. We were on different teams, which is what I wanted. I knew if we were on the same team, I wouldn’t branch out to new people just because I was comfortable. 

I didn’t go outside my comfort zone at training camp and it made literally no difference that we were on different teams. I barely talked to my team, my squad, my leaders because I knew I had that one person to rely on and that’s all I thought I needed. 

A few weeks after training camp and before launch, I got the text one day explaining to me that she had prayed about it and believed the Lord told her to stay home during this season of her life.

At first I thought “Now I’m not going on the race. How do I tell my parents, my friends, and my supporters about my decision after they have all given so much?” 

Immediately while I was thinking these things, I felt the Lord’s peace about going on the race completely flooding over me. 

I immediately knew the Lord wanted me to do this. He wanted me to go outside of my comfort zone. I knew at the time that the Lord is not safe but He is good, but I didn’t know what that practically looked like until this moment. It was more safe for me to go and be in the will of God than to stay home and be outside His will and I knew this would all pull itself together to show me how good He really is.

So, here I am, with 48 other people that I’ve only known for a short time and completely out of my comfort zone. I have nobody here from home or even close to home and I have only known these people since July. This is totally not what I wanted for myself, but I do know it’s what the Lord wanted for me and that’s why I am here. It was an act of obedience. 

Yesterday during my one-on-one on with the coaches, I was telling them this story and I explained to them that this friend didn’t know that this was going on and immediately Bryan said “but the Lord did!”

The Lord knew exactly what He was doing. He knew I would be completely out of my comfort zone. He knew everything would fall into place like He wanted. He knew where I would be, He knew I would eventually be fully funded, He knew everything; everything had already fallen into place according to His perfect will. I am in His will and that’s the safest place that anyone can be!

Next time you think you’re doing what the Lord wants for you and what you want at the same time, just know the Lords plan will ALWAYS come to pass. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the Lords plans are better than any plan you or I could ever come up with.

Also, how cool is this!? I received a text from my mom this morning telling me that my final donation is approved and once the donation goes through I will be FULLY FUNDED!! Thanks God, You knew this would happen exactly in Your timing!