::to give up completely:: 


The universal sign of surrender is to put your arms straight up in the air,


so why do we do that at church?


Just a few weeks ago while I was at training camp I was taught why people to worship with their hands in the air. 


Up until that day, I would put my hands up while I was worshipping not really knowing why I would do it. Often times I would see people around me doing it, so then I did it wondering why they were doing it.


Was it the lyrics? Were they trying to physically just be closer to the Lord? Did they get bored? Were they ‘raising the roof’ because God is just that amazing? Were they putting their arms up as long as they could to make them tired and hurt to get a little tiny bit of understanding of what it was like for Jesus on the cross?? Like what is going on! 


So I learned when your hands are down at your side and you’re slouching, your lungs aren’t opened to their full capacity and can’t be used to their greatest capability.  BUT when your arms are UP your lungs are open to their full capacity, that means you have more room in your lungs to give the Lord!


You are surrendering every last bit of space in your lungs to the Lord!!


Before I learned this, I just always put my hands up because it was the “cool” thing to do, but now that I know what it means, I am choosing to surrender my life to the One who gave me the ability to surrender.


I hope after you are finished reading this you have a better understanding as to why some people might raise their hands during worship. Yes, there are other reasons that I have found as to why people raise their hands but this is why I do it!

If you are a ‘hand-raiser’ leave a comment below telling me your reasoning behind it, please!


(Yes, they could be “raising the roof” because the Lord is that good, because He is soooooo good!!)