Hey everyone, I’m just letting you all know that we made it to Quito, Ecuador on Wednesday night (Thursday morning) at 2am!
Mabe (Mah-bae) and Fabi (Fah-bee) are our hosts for the month and they’re amazing!
Our ministries for the next 2 months are phenominal.
We have a ministry called Covi where we will hang out with kids after school to feed them, do crafts, hang out and do other fun things. This is our ministry on Monday’s, Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s. (I will give a more detailed blog once we get started in that ministry on Monday).
On Thursday’s my team and I have ministry at a senior home. We have visions to bring the place to LIFE! The walls are so bare and white and don’t appear to bring happiness to the place. One of our hopes is to bring color and paint a mural filled with happiness while helping and ministering to the people that live there. (I will give another detailed blog about this ministry when we actually start on Thursday)
Friday’s are our last day of ministry for the week. On Friday’s we stay back at the house and help Mabe around the house/property. Yesterday we put rocks around their current house in a trench, we also picked up most of the dirt and trash from their new house that is currently being built. Towards the end of the day we picked up rocks in their garden that fell in from the construction.
I am so excited to begin our ministries tomorrow! On Saturday’s and Sunday’s we have free days and are able to do things of our choice.
Pray for steadfastness, peace, comfort and home. Pray against homesickness that I have been feeling ever since we arrived. I don’t miss home yet, but I just miss it knowing I won’t be there for the next 9 months.
Thank you all for your support!!!