This is most definitely the last stretch. What I mean by that is that I have 3 more months until I return home.

(Quiet pause)…
This lasts for a couple of minutes…

Nah, I’m just kidding! Haha haha!

Anyway back to how I’m doing. Like how I’m really doing right now.

I am in a place of weirdness. I’m feeling happy that I am going home soon but sad that my race is almost over. I’m in a place of I want to go home but still want to be on the race at the same time. I have gained so many wonderful things while I have been on the race.

For instance:
? A relationship with my Abba
? Independence
? Perseverance
? Compassion
? Sisters and Brothers in Christ
? Maturity

I do not know what the Lord has for me when I get back home in November. I think the unknown of that has got me a little nervous. But what I do know is that I am finally returning home. I’ll be returning home to my loving parents, my beautiful sisters, my loving grandfather, and a soon to be brother-in-law.

The Lord has been so good to my family since I have left. My sister, Kelsey, is engaged to a wonderful man named Chisholm. YAY! My sister, Trista, got a job at Water Country USA and is learning how to drive. WOW! My grandpa is getting new hearing aids and has a house to himself. YUPPERDOOS! The Lord has been awesome and faithful to my family! I can’t wait to return to them and give them all GREAT BIG HUGS when I see them.

Before I do that, I need to finish my last stretch. I am going to do it with gratefulness, thankfulness, and confidence. I just want to thank the Lord for this year He has given me. He has been SO SO GOOD!

In Christ,
Allyson Miller

P.S. Just to let y’all know, I will be finishing the last stretch by not just running but by skipping, jogging, and walking in the joy of the Lord! Y’all are the BEST and I love y’all!!