The beginning of my race I got a necklace and on that necklace, it had the word “mine” on it. I had paid for this necklace and this word was prophetically prayed over me. I first I joked about it and then later I was kind of irritated at it. I already knew that I was God’s and that He was all mine. So why did I need a reminder of that?

At first, as I went through my race, that I haven’t given everything of myself over to God. I haven’t actively prayed over stuff about myself and given it to Him. Then when I started to do that, I began to realize that I was finally completely His. Through doing that, I also strengthened the relationship. It’s about losing power, that I thought I held, to God. It’s about being completely His.

By the time I realized all this, I have gotten to the Philippines. Month 7 of my race. By far, my favorite month. The best part was that my mom got to come to the Philippines to see me. It was such a sweet and tender week with her. We cried, we laughed, we hugged, and we loved.

Her last night there, we were talking before bed. She sees my necklace and she says:

My Mom: “ I’m so happy that you got that word, Allyson. Ever since I first saw it in the car, on the way to Georgia for launch, I felt comforted by the Lord. That you are His. THAT YOU ARE HIS. That if anything happened to you on the race, you are completely the Lords. It brought me so comfort to know that this year.”

Then God confirmed it to me by saying “ Allyson, you are mine and I am completely yours.” That just kept echoing in my head. It was so powerful that I cried. It was beautiful. It was real. It made my heart so happy. My soul so happy! It was such a wonderful night!


The company that I purchased my necklace from asked that we pass our necklaces along to somebody else after we understand what our word meant.

I’m happy to announce that I will be passing it to my mom. I have prayed over and over again. The Lord is telling me to do it and I feel completely at peace at doing that.

Love you, momma!

In Christ,
Allyson ?