Halo! (Indonesian greeting)

Hey guys!! Allyson here! I have some EXCITING news for y’all! My squad and I got some exciting news Wednesday morning……WE HAVE A NEW COUNTRY!! We are going to Indonesia INSTEAD of Myanmar! The reason we got this new country is due to logistical reasons and cultural consistency. So here is our NEW order of countries:

-Côte d’Ivoire

I am SO EXCITED for all of these countries and I’m so excited for all the culture I’m going to see and experience. I am MOST excited about doing Gods work. I CAN’T WAIT to be God’s hands and feet on this mission trip! I’M SO PUMPED!!

Ready for some more EXCITING news?? I have raised $13,974 and I ONLY need $4,226 more to meet my goal of $18,200. THANK YOU to those who have supported me prayerfully and financially. Thank you SO much!!

In Christ, 
Allyson Miller