I have been over and over for a couple of years now of what God wants for me. I have always struggled in that aspect of my life. I have always worried about my future as an adult. I always ask myself what kind of mark are YOU gonna have in this world, Allyson? Those thoughts always were whirling inside my head as a teenager and as an adult until couple of months ago. 


What changed? 


I became the leader of Dive Worship ministry for Dive youth group at Bridgepoint church(my church). Ever since I started my leadership, I have been yearning to start a Christian band and go to school for music. I want to write music about God and be able to inspire people with my music. I just want to tell people about God. That’s all I want to do. So that they can experience the joy that I have and be able to see that through my music and want that joy for themselves. For me, singing about God is the most wonderful feeling in the world and there is nothing better or perfect than God.