I struggled for awhile with what to write a blog post about for this month. I have been learning courage, how to ask for help, and where to find cookies in Peru (Amen sister friend). But, I asked what the Lord has really taught me this month.

And it was His love.

Towards the end of the month, we had an adventure day-a day or so off of ministry to experience the culture of Peru. Some members of my squad and I decided to travel to a hideaway in Peru called Marcahuasi.

How we were going to get there, was questionable.

Where we would stay, was questionable.

And even how and when we would return, was also questionable.

But, Sunday came and we were prepared to leave.

We knew, generally, where we were heading and knew it took 3 buses to get there. We came to the bus station and two older women led us to the correct first bus to our first city.

Hello, Jesus in the form of these women. Who knows where we would have gone without them.

We rode that bus for 3 hours until getting to a small town called Chosica.
Our bus to the next city had left for the night.

We had two choices here. To stay in Chosica or to leave. We chose leave for city of Marcahuasi-San Pedro de Casta.

We found a taxi who would take us the distance.
All six of us stuffed into this tiny taxi-our backpacks and all.
My squadmate and I sat in the trunk.

After two hours of driving past the most beautiful scenery on roads that seemed to fall over the edge of the cliff, our rickety taxi made it to San Pedro de Casta- a tiny, tiny town-population 80. We found the only shop in town for food and sat for dinner.

We ate the food brought to us from beyond a closed door, from a gentle older woman.

Jesus has provided for us to arrive at this spot, but He continues.

Bellies full, but no where to sleep- we prayed.
And suddenly, we heard a song in the distance. A quiet tune.
We followed it.
And found a church of about 15 older women.
We sat down and listened to the entire service in Spanish. Not a moment was clearly understood, but the Lord was working.
At the end, they all asked for a picture with us “gringos.” There were hugs and there were giggles at our faulty Spanish.
The pastor and his wife approached us and asked us about our travels.

Then, an amazing thing happened.

They offered us a place to sleep.


A warm place to sleep, indoors, together.
We wept at how immediately the Lord answered our prayers.

We laid down for the night, amazed at how much the Lord was loving on us.
They next day we hiked a 3 hour hike to the top of Marcahuasi, holding hands as we walked through the gates to beyond all its beauty.

We had heard a sermon earlier that week about the excessive love of Christ. How He doesn’t just love us a little, but He loves us more than we could ever understand, and in bigger ways than we could ever ask.
My squadmate commented on this as we laid our heads down that night. And he was so right.

God didn’t love us alittle, he didn’t just give us a place to sleep, or a beautiful view.
He gave us above and beyond what we could have asked for. He gave us friendship, and struggles, and trials, and love, food, and a place to lay our heads and our hearts.
He gave us generosity and new friends. And a chance to see His wonder and beautiful creation.


This story is a reflection of all Christ has done in Peru. He continued to show up, and I continued to weep in how good He was.
I know He is saying:

“LISTEN” Know that I love you, You don’t have to impress me or do the things, I love you, I love you. Don’t make me smaller than I really am. I am always here.” 

He is teaching me courage to step into His provision and to rest in all He has to offer.

I can’t underestimate Him. He is just too good.


Heading into Banos, Ecuador for a few days of debrief with my whole squad before heading to Quitos, Ecuador to serve there.
This place is gorgeous and I am excited for what lies ahead.

We have a route change. Instead of Bulgaria in April, my squad and I will be traveling to Greece to work with Syrian Refugees there. We are blessed and excited beyond anything we could have imagined.



As always, I am so thankful for each and every one of you. This journey and potential is possible because of your love and continued support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!