12 countries, 11 months, 11 ministries/organizations, more different beds than I can count, a whole new wardrobe, and a changed heart.

What a radical year it has been.

These past 3 weeks, I have been on a road trip with a dear friend of mine from the Race around to national parks on the West Coast. As I’ve traveled, I’ve begun to debrief this Race and all it was to me.

I came onto the Race with many expectations, many hopes, dreams, lists of goals for growth, places I HAD to visit and ways I HAD to see the Lord move.

Now, I look back at the list and giggle.

Some of the items were met. I climbed Mount Olympus and prayed healing over women in a village. I stepped out of my comfort zone and told people about Jesus at a drug-rehabilitation center. I laughed OFTEN and gave hard feedback when needed.

And some things on that list weren’t met. I didn’t witness a healing, I didn’t jump off of something high, I didn’t have the opportunity to pet a tiger. There’s growth I wish I had conquered and people I had hoped to pour into more.

At first, I struggled with the unmet part, as if my Race was somehow incomplete if they weren’t checked off.

I continued to travel on the West Coast, and continued to seek my list- to hike THIS hike and see THIS sight. Key word here: MY list

We came to a day about a week ago where Julia, my travel companion, and I looked at each other across the console of our well-worn rental car, tears in our eyes, and realized how exhausted we were. We had been traveling hoping to check off our lists and we hadn’t been aware or listening to all the Lord had for us.

I thought back to how I had done this on the Race and was hit with truth.

It’s important to not simply be one-track minded on lists.

This past year, I’ve realized what it looks like to abandon all for the Glory of His Kingdom.
To abandon not only your physical home and comfort, but also to abandon those lists and expectations of how you expect the Lord to move. It’s like putting the Lord into a box of our own desires.

That is not to say lists are bad, by no means! Lists are important in intentionally pursuing goals and dreams, to keep track of progress and organizing to-do’s. A great list can bring glory and honor to the Lord in it’s intentionality.

But, sometimes we become so caught up in full-filling the lists of our own, that we miss out on the ways the Lord wants us to step out and move outside of the box of our expectations. 

Put Him in a box and I promise He will do BIG things outside of it.

Sit in that box, you’ll miss what’s outside.

You see, if the Lord only moved in ways we expected in this world then they wouldn’t be so radical, would they?

Sometimes that list isn’t just a list, sometimes that “list” of sorts is your home, your hometown, or even your own country. You are fearful to step outside of those places, into the uncomfortable places the Lord is calling you, outside of your own expectations, goals, achievements-and that’s OK, we all are.

It’s the choice you make to move anyways that causes the BIG things to occur. The things that are so BIG, all we can do is sit awe of our Father.

As you travel into life, or even onto the Race, be open to the Lord. Don’t put Him into a box of your own expectations or desires. 

Trust Him and don’t cling too tight to that list- even as the Holiday Season comes around and we are urged to make that list and check it twice.

The Lord will move as the Lord will move, and it’s ALWAYS incredible.

Sit back, Enjoy, and Be a Part of His Kingdom Come.


I am forever thankful and humbled by this incredible journey. My Papa has changed my heart deeply and I can never express the full gratitude I am filled with for this 11 months! This gratefulness leads me dropping to my knees overwhelmed with such goodness and grace and mercy, all that He has been on this Race and all He will continue to be forever. THANK YOU for continuing to be a part of the journey and for supporting it always this year. 


 I will be back to the East Coast within the next few weeks and would to see, meet with, and share stories with you! Don’t hesitate to contact me through the contact button here. This journey with the Lord isn’t over, let’s share it together.