Waking up with the sun.
Walking down half dirt, half paved streets with cows, sheep, and dogs.
Riding in 15 passenger van/taxis with atleast 25 people.
Eating chocolate covered bananas.
Worshiping every evening with 60 brothers and sisters.
Trying to learn how to make tortillias.
Helping kids write their numbers (1-200), 3 times each.
Playing jacks for hours and getting beat every time by a 12 year old.
Being a jungle gym to 15 kids on the way home from school in the afternoons.
Getting used to always having dirty feet.
Feeling at home in a tent.
Being surrounded by mountains everywhere I go.
Oatmeal and eggs for breakfast.
Getting really excited when I see a bag of cheetos or peanut butter!
Being blown away at God’s goodness and the way the Holy Spirit works daily.
Laughing at Liz trying to speak Spanish.
Blowing up beans in a pressure cooker.
Hiding in corn fields.
Learning how to wash dishes in cold water using a faucet made out of a trash bag.
Throwing toilet paper in the trash can.
Waking up at 3 AM to hike up a mountain and watch the sunrise-then being completely stunned at the absolute majesty of God.
Lunch- sandwiches with mystery meat…peanut butter and honey if we're lucky.
Being told I am loved every day by the most beautiful children in Guatemala…and sometimes by random strangers walking down the sidewalk. Aparently the most common English words in Guatemala are "Hello, goodbye, I love you," and its totally normal to say all of them at the same time.
Explaining scripture to children in English, knowing they don’t completely understand, but realizing that the Holy Spirit is not bound by languages.
Singing disney songs, backstreet boys, etc. really loud as we drive down the streets in the back of large trucks.
Learning to talk less and listen to God’s voice more. 
Learning how to just be, and rest in the presence of God.
Remebering that I am part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken.


"Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire."