When I decided to go on the world race, I didn’t expect to see God start working until September–when I will arrive in Guatemala. I just had this whole idea that as I prepared to go, God was just going to be sitting on the sidelines, watching everything come about, and then He would jump in come September. Why I expected this was how it would happen, I have no idea. I guess I just thought I had all the answers I needed for the time being. But God doesn't just sit on the sidelines. Ever since training camp, I have been encouraged to set aside any “expectations” I may have for myself or for this whole experience. I am beginning to understand why..

My expection: see God start working come September.
God’s response: start working sooner and blow Allyson’s mind (as well as the first of her expectations).

Overwhelmed by Jehovah Jireh (the God who provides).
Within 3 months, the Lord has provided a total of $13,331 to fund this trip. I have received donations from people I don’t even know, and have been blessed by many I do know!
Overwhelmed by how God works/speaks truth into my life.
Before I committed to the world race, I asked God to confirm to my parents that this was the plan He had for me.   Althought I knew it was what God had called me to do, I needed, and wanted my parents support. On two separate occasions (about a week apart), they both told me that the Lord made it clear that this was His plan for my life for this season. 

The Lord spoke directly into my life through a teammate at training camp to remind me that my joy comes from Him, and from Him alone. He is not only the provider, but also the sustainer, and He loves me more than words can express.
After thinking I was going to walk into training camp and just “blend in” with the rest of my brothers and sisters who are going on this journey, God spoke again and called me out to lead my team of 5 wonderful ladies. He reminded me, once again, that His thoughts are not my thoughts, and my ways are not His ways.            
My team collectively decided to name our team “Shekinah,” a word representing the dwelling place of the Lord’s glory. We chose the name with the hope that we would be used to carry the Lord’s glory, dwelling within us, to the nations. A few weeks ago, God used a friend to tell me that His plan is to show ME His glory. I’m not sure how or when, but I think He is already starting to open my eyes.
Overwhelmed by God's love.
Several weeks ago, a few ladies and friends from my church in Athens organized a yard sale to help me raise support. So many friends spent most of their Friday night helping organize and set up items, and then came back Saturday morning to help again! Mrs. Candi, and Rachel baked cookies and banana bread to sale, and Mr. Danny took charge of the money table. We were out there for hours meeting people and every time someone went to check out, Mr. Danny asked them if they knew Jesus, gave them one of my prayer cards, and encouraged them. It was a beautiful day, and the Lord not only provided $1200, but He also introduced me to a new friend from Uganda (one of the countries I will be visiting)! 

Last Thursday night I had the opportunity to share with about 40 college girls and several other women, how God has been working in my life recently. My prayer beforehand was something along the lines of “God, I don’t want this to be about me, and what I’m doing, but about you. Just orchestrate my words, and speak out what you want these girls to hear.” Apart from praying, I was secretly wishing the whole way over that I hadn’t agreed to speak when Jill (my mentor and friend since freshman year of college) had asked. It’s generally the least “comfortable” thing on my "to do" list, but God showed up (as He always does). I had more friends and girls I had never met coming up to me with encouraging words, and sharing in my excitement. The entire group prayed over me at the end, and I felt sooo blessed. God was present, and I did all I could to savor the sweet moment He had given me.
Saying goodbye (for a time) was/is hard. There are so many people that I love and will miss, but I am so overwhelmed by how blessed I have been to be a part of such incredible community. I spent Thursday through Sunday traveling around seeing people one last time, and time and time again, love just overflowed from them. This is what the body of Christ should look like, people coming together, praying for one another, and encouraging one another in love. The height, width, and depth of God’s love truly cannot be measured.
Finally, I am overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness.
Thursday, August 9th, one of my most dear friends Merle went into the hospital with chest pains. He found out he was going to have quintuple bypass surgery.  I spent that Sunday afternoon with his wonderful wife Dianne and a few other friends praying over Merle. Among other things, we prayed for complete physical healing and a full recovery. This past Sunday (two weeks later) I stopped by Merle and Dianne's house to say “I’ll see ya soon.” Before I left, we were all in the living room, and Merle stood up, had everyone circle around, and he prayed over me.

"The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; He cares for those who take refuge in Him." Nahum 1:7

"Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE WHO PROMISED IS FAITHFUL." Hebrews 10:23

The blessings don’t end there, but that’s what I’ll leave you with for now. I hope you are blessed today, and the next time you hear His voice or just glance out at what He has created, I hope you are overwhelmed at how MAGNIFICENT our God really is. 

(Below are some of the lovely people mentioned in this blog. They have all blessed me more than words can describe.)

Back 4: Mr. Danny, Mr. Merle, Rene, My dad
Front 5: Dianne (Merle's wife), Carolyn (Danny's wife-organized the yard sale ๐Ÿ™‚ ), Mom, Me, Jill 

Back row: Anna (my beautiful sister), Grayson, Will, Rene, Rachel
Front row: Me, Ashley, Sara, Elissa

Literally some of the BEST friends I could ever hope for. They have all supported me in more ways than one. A special thanks to each of you ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh–and did I mention God provided a way for our entire squad (all 61 people) to live together month 1 in Guatemala!?! Check out the next blog for more details ๐Ÿ™‚