My mind and heart are overwhelmed with how much you all have given financially and prayerfully. I have so much love in my heart! CGA has been transformative! I wanted you all to see a snit bit of what CGA has been for our whole class so here is a video my classmate made to reveal just that.

I still need your help! I am half way to my fundraising goal so I still need $2,900. I am not worried at all, especially after seeing what God has done though all of you already. Your generosity has been incredible! Thank you so much!   

My mind and heart are overwhelmed with how much you all have given financially and prayerfully. I have so much love in my heart! CGA has been transformative! I wanted you all to see a snit bit of what CGA has been for our whole class so here is a video my classmate made to reveal just that.

I still need your help! I am half way to my fundraising goal so I still need $2,900. I am not worried at all, especially after seeing what God has done though all of you already. Your generosity has been incredible! Thank you so much!