The World Race has officially come to an end and there’s no doubt God has been molding and shaping my heart for cross-cultural ministry. He has equipped me with a heart and gift for relational ministry and discipleship.

So what’s next?

An incredible opportunity has opened up for me to continue this amazing journey through a program called CGA- the Center for Global Action, which is Adventures in Missions discipleship training school. I will begin classes for CGA October 6th to grow deeper in my relationship with God and develop further as a leader.

On the World Race the Lord grew my heart for discipleship and gave me a tremendous hunger for growth and the ability to lead and disciple others to become more like Christ and impact the world. To live in a community that pushes me to be more like Christ. To be around people who call me out and call me higher. CGA has the tools to stretch me and strengthen me in every area of life. Im not interested in living my life to make people happy, I am interested in walking in and bringing the Kingdom of God.

This is no small task and cannot be possible without a team of prayer warriors and supporters to join me in my ministry. Will you consider joining me in the Great Commission by investing in what God is doing in my life?

My hope and prayer is to be at full support by the end of October. Will you prayerfully consider joining my team by investing in this cause? You can do so by going to and clicking ‘donate’.

Thank you so much for being a blessing in my life!