I am in a huge transition right now. I feel like everything I love is changing. I feel like everything I am is changing. And it's honestly just not going well.
It's my time to graduate from Shorter. I could never put into words what Shorter means to me. The 18 year old girl that moved into Shorter almost 4 years ago is a completely different girl than the 21 year old who is graduating on May 4th. I came into college thinking I had it all together and I could not have been more far off. God gently and beautifully brought me through so much during my time at Shorter. I had some of the darkest times of my life and some of the most incredible times as well. I met some of the most life changing people that have shaped me and challenged me in the most amazing ways.
It's easy to look back on at my time at Shorter and be heartbroken to see my time ending. This place has defined my life and my heart for almost 4 years now. If it was possible to fall in love with a school, I did it. But the crazy part is, I was deathly afraid of this transition. During the time between high school and college, I was not excited. I was honestly scared to pieces. Looking back now, it seems silly to be so scared! I had no idea the blessings that God was going to provide while at Shorter. All I could see was the uncertainty and unknown.
So here I am, at the biggest transition of my life and I feel the exact same way. I know the Lord has incredible things in store, but I can't see them. My inability to be in control of what my future holds is clouding my excitement for all that is to come. Yes, everything is about to change. Well, everything but one thing.
"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession." James 1:17-18
He never changes. I am leaving the comfort of Shorter, my family, my friends and the only life I've ever known. This is a huge transition, but my God never changes. He is the same God who so beautifully orchestrated my steps to go to Shorter University when I thought I wanted to go to Berry. He has never and will never change.
Psalm 37:23 says "He directs the steps of the godly, He delights in every detail of their lives". I've loved this verse for so long and loved how beautiful it is. It's so mind boggling to know that the Creator of the universe is so involved in the little details of every part of my life. If He is so involved in those details, and even delights in them, won't He be even more involved in the big things? Can't I trust that even as I'm looking into a stage full of unknowns, God will never change?
As this transition is happening, God is revealing Himself in different ways than ever before. He is allowing this time so I begin to see that He will always and forever, be the only thing in my life that will never change. I must put every ounce of my hope, joy, love, and faith in Him. He promises He will never change and that He delights in the details of my life. What do I need to fear during this huge transition? Absolutely nothing, Ally Blackwell, absolutely nothing.